Date | Comment | |
03/23/2025 | Hi there. I'm a new, and grateful, member of Young Living. So glad you are still doing this website after all these years! So much great info and I'm considering upgrading. Thanks for this service.. so valuable! Michele Ketterer | |
03/21/2025 | Your business has been a big blessing to me! Thank you for all the testimonials! Sherry Weems | |
01/24/2025 | Thank you for the search match noticiation email, as I nearly forgot about the benefits in taking the Ningxia Red juice. Your website has brought be so much relief and guidance over the years. Thank you so much! Tanya Fable | |
05/01/2024 | You are wonderful for merging my two accounts, thanks! I REALLY LOVE THIS WEBSITE!! Debra Anne Pardee | |
02/26/2024 | It was in the 90's and early 2000's that I was most involved with Young Living. I'm so grateful for that period in my life, and still find people and challenges that bring me to this website. Eternally grateful, and thanks for reaching out to help me get my log-in straightened out! Kalia Bethany | |
12/21/2023 | I just want to thank you so much for this website, for keeping it fresh and updated, and for all of the wonderful testimonials you've allowed to be provided for Young Living customers and prospects. It really does mean so much to me! I know we have other resources, but this is one I am very much dependent on, because it allows my prospects and customers to go here, knowing that they'll get an unbiased testimonials, whether it's positive or negative (realistically speaking), and they can decide for themselves what products they would like to try. I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner, because I guess I just didn't think about it. But I just really wanted to show you how I, and people that I'm trying to help with these wonderful products, have been won over. Sometimes just with another person's story, someone that they don't know even. I'm going to add another testimonial today, and I look forward to seeing it posted. Again, thank you and God bless you for all the wonderful good you're doing with this website. I sure appreciate you! Connie Suehiro | |
11/15/2023 | Oil-Testimonials is a wealth of knowledge and is worth so much more! You and your team are a blessing to the world! I will keep you all in my prayers!! God Bless You!! Eileen Scherf | |
11/12/2023 | WOW WOW GREAT WEBSITE!! I am a very holistic essential oil concoction maker. I have fantastic testimonies that I will share! Helen Campbell | |
07/26/2023 | Thank you for providing such a wonderful place to refer to for answers in our time of need for the past 20+ years. Peggy Beal | |
07/20/2023 | I love the site so much, and it has helped me tremendously! Kori Batey | |
06/12/2023 | Thanks so much for the wealth of information you provide. I LOVE the website and tell everyone about it. Sharon McEntire | |
12/26/2022 | I LOVE your site!! I refer to it ALL of the time. And it’s been wonderfully helpful to share with friends of mine. I love helping people, and if my upgrade to Silver membership helps you as well, that’s all the better! I hope you have a wonderful and very Merry Christmas! Connie Suehiro | |
11/04/2022 | This website has helped me immensely.....I will consider upgrading in the near future. I have learned so much that has helped me to weather my host of ills and breast cancer as well. I don't think I would have made it this far... so thank you very much for making the testimonials available! Sharon McEntire | |
05/13/2022 | Thank you for your quick response to my tech support question. And thanks so much for the wonderful website and information you kindly share. Oli Escamilla | |
08/23/2021 | Thank you for all your work to put this website together. And thank you for letting me share it. Jewel Bryant | |
06/11/2021 | I really, really, like this website design. It is easy to understand, user friendly, and easy on the eyes. Mary Davis | |
04/22/2021 | I want to thank you profusely, for Oil-Testimonials. What a labor of love this has been for you. At one time I used your website for my benefit and I hope yours too. I sent out testimonial sheets on various subjects. I then took your testimonies on this topic and put them on both sides of a colored paper, always promoting your site, along with a disclaimer and where to find them. I sent 1,000 of these with 5 testimonial sheets in a hard copy newsletter, every month. It cost me well over $600 each time. The first month I did this, my volume increased to $20,000. I totally believe that your site has been the blessing for all, next to Gary Young's teachings. I truly thank you with a prayer and gratitude in my heart, every time I have ever opened Oil-Testimonials. There really are NO words for what you have done for thousands of us. I know the Lord is overseeing you and your project, however tedious it has been. Surely you have been driven by angels. Chris Anderson | |
06/29/2020 | Thank you so much for creating this website so people can believe in the power of nature instead of the medical industry, which I avoid as much much as I can. I love oils! I wish I had a big bag full and knew everything about them so anytime anyone feels pain mentally or physically I could say, here try this. But thank you for this testimonial information, it's very very helpful and ONE OF A KIND! Melissa Shepherd | |
02/24/2020 | This website is my bible and I can't function without it! Laurentine Crockford | |
11/01/2019 | Thank you for your great service to the essential oil world. Love your site! Dr. Stephen Blake DVM,CVA, CVH, Reiki Mast | |
11/01/2019 | Thank you so much for your help. I am grateful I am able to access all these wonderful and helpful testimonials. They have help me in selecting the right oils for my ailment. May God bless you abundantly for all you do to help all of us in this community. Thank you once again! Anna Wong | |
05/30/2019 | Thanks so much for your website. It is helpful to read testimonials from others. And...thank you for responding so quickly to my support email! Karen Huntze, M.A. | |
05/13/2019 | It would be a shame to EVER lose this resource. PLEASE put something in place so it keeps going for generations - it's so valuable. Thank you for all you've done to organize it. If I can help, let me know. Terry Schwartz | |
02/12/2019 | Great thank you for having Oil-Testimonals, they help everyone. Keep up the great job. Nancy Sanderson | |
01/16/2019 | Thank you for the info. Looking forward to the mobile version!!! That will be nice to have and share. Again, I appreciate your site. Have a great week! Karen Tuttle | |
01/04/2019 | Your site is truly amazing and I have really put it to use! Janice Feagin | |
10/23/2018 | Thank you for the natural health events you promote in your e-newsletter. You always have such interesting articles and information. Martha Williams | |
08/07/2018 | I'm getting ready to upgrade... love your site! Brenda Napier | |
04/30/2018 | I started using essential oils almost two years ago and they have been a great addition to my healthy lifestyle. I am greatful for this testimonial website and all the useful information on it. Evelina Racheva | |
03/09/2018 | I was thinking this morning that you have really done a neat thing with this website. The essential oils are helping a lot of people in ways that other (i.e. conventional medicine means) cannot. I know essential oils have kept me from getting serious UTIs at the very least (my family is prone to these). All the people being helped by the testimonies, in ways that regular medicines can't help..... that's a really good thing. Perhaps this site has even saved some lives. Encyclopedic information is available in books on the oils. Your site is better because it's online. Thanks, I do appreciate your website. Jane Cappe | |
10/23/2017 | I love Oil Testimonials and don't want my membership to stop. Thank you so much for your quick responses, I truly appreciate your great service!!!!! Angela Hoelz | |
10/23/2017 | I love receiving Oil-Testimonials emails as they are so informative and interesting! Charlotte Paddock | |
10/23/2017 | Thanks for being a great oily resource! Whitney Zapotocky | |
09/28/2017 | Thank you for your emails. Keep up the good work. Rosemary Waterworth | |
09/04/2017 | We’ve been a little busy with Harvey the hurricane. But I wanted to take a moment and tell you what a fantastic email you sent out, about the Healing Cancer Coaching Program. First class!! Vicki Shellenberger | |
09/01/2017 | Thank you SO much for my recent refund!! So many people would have just told me "too bad". Once my financial situation improves, I will be investing in your site once again. Thanks again and thank you for the service you provide for all of us! Kelly Lephart | |
08/07/2017 | Thank you so much for sending the search match emails based on our prior searches, it is very thoughtful of you. I will go back on and take a look at this particular testimonial, as my husband is trying to get off Ambian that he has been on for 10 years! Melissa Davis | |
06/26/2017 | Thanks for taking care of my tech support issue so quickly. I love all of these essential oil resources in one place! Katrina Arbuckle | |
06/20/2017 | Thank you for the quick tech support I just received. And thank you for creating such a wonderful website! Stephan Frank | |
06/12/2017 | Thank you so much for this! I love the oil testimonials site. Becky Hutchman | |
04/26/2017 | I didn't initially notice the search options and your search reminder email was helpful in making me aware of the uses of the website. Thank you. Angela Lamarche | |
04/21/2017 | I'm looking forward to the mobile website update...keep up the great work. Elizabeth Laliberte | |
03/22/2017 | I so appreciate your prompt response to my tech support request. I love the website! Sharon Stephens | |
02/24/2017 | Thank you for all you do. Shmuel Wahli | |
09/19/2016 | Love love this tool! Carolyn King | |
09/08/2016 | I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your patience and help. I seem to be in a busy period, or I would’ve been back and registered long ago! I’m really excited about your site and its concept, and looking forward to becoming an active member. Thank you for all your efforts. Anna Poulsen | |
09/05/2016 | THANK you very, very much! Regina Hansen | |
09/03/2016 | This site is such a blessing! Stephanie Lindsey-Gilles | |
08/25/2016 | I am extremely excited about reading testimonials on your sight and I really enjoyed hearing Kristen speak on the EO Revolution. Thanks for all you do. :-) Kimberly Maher | |
08/24/2016 | Wonderful, amazing discussion and testimonials. Thanks to Dr. Z and Oil-Testimonials for putting on such a life-changing online health summit, website and information. Invaluable! God bless you and your ministries! Gayle Geer | |
08/24/2016 | WOW!!!! What a grand interview you guys did on the Essential Oils Health Summit! I am so glad I purchased the package to hear this over again. I have listened to this interview twice! Being so inspired, I registered at "OT" and it is awesome. Thank you Kristen, amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, and ever so very kind! God Bless You. Thaida Bunny Stovall | |
08/22/2016 | Thank you words cannot express my joy in finding your site through Dr Z’s webinar. You and your wonderful husband are a special gift sent from God to help heal all on our glorious orb. I studied Natural Medicine many years ago, I am 70, feel 17. I have never stopped researching. You both have given a gift beyond compare. With love, respect and gratitude, God Bless you. Sharon Patten | |
08/22/2016 | Oil-Testimonials is a fantastic database and researcher’s candy land! Dr. Eric Zielinski | |
07/11/2016 | Thank you for the information you send on the health summits that you offer. They are very valuable and I do appreciate being able to take part online, especially those on the topics of dementia and Alzheimer diseases. E Joan Hart | |
06/27/2016 | Oh My Gosh! Thank you SOOOOO Much! I’m very new to essential oils, but I have always been open to homeopathic remedies. What a great site you have - a wealth of information. Rosemary Galt | |
06/14/2016 | I am pleased with the website. I am enthusiastic to say the least and really would like to utilize this website to it’s fullest. I think it looks amazing! Cheryl Yax | |
05/10/2016 | Great to hear that you will be featured in the next summit! Jenny Moalem | |
02/28/2016 | I really enjoy your site and congratulations on the explosive growth! Suelin Buhidar | |
02/26/2016 | Your giving of this great gift is not taken lightly. We celebrate all of you. Bernard Deku | |
02/25/2016 | Hello, I really like having a place to look up the testimonials and thank you for this site. Andrea Conneely | |
02/15/2016 | I love that you exist and appreciate greatly all the work you have done to make your site so valuable for the public. I have recommended it for many years and have provided a link to it in everyone of my monthly newsletters on essential oils (and still do). Dawn Hankins | |
12/17/2015 | Thank you for the great site and the valuable testimonial which have been already of great help for others. Ilse Scheuboeck | |
12/06/2015 | I just loooove your site for so many wonderful reasons! LeAnn Pickett | |
11/29/2015 | Thank you for having this place to find out how useful essential oils are. David Hayes | |
11/27/2015 | I love this site! Thinking about upgrading soon! Susan Rogers | |
08/30/2015 | I am so grateful for the oil-testimonial website in assisting so many peoples’ ailments. Comparing notes from others is a meaningful and bonus result. The testimonies are a great motivator and are a tremendously successful method of sharing essential oils, as people have no idea what they are or mean. Don Frommherz | |
08/25/2015 | I absolutely LOVE this site! This is where I first became a believer in essential oils two years ago. Brenda Bergman | |
08/25/2015 | I appreciate all you have done with the website and helping everyone understand about oils. Charla Sirtoff | |
08/20/2015 | I had noticed that some testimonials are now accompanied with a research reference link. That is SUCH a great idea. Dorothy Hahn | |
08/19/2015 | Love this site! Pat J | |
08/05/2015 | Thank you for this research...I am grateful....I ordered a product on line...... Patricia Cornell | |
07/28/2015 | Love your site! So happy to be able to access it once again! Jacqui Lepp | |
07/24/2015 | Love your supporting scientific studies! Thank you so much for including them with the testimonials! Very helpful in these FDA compliant days! Susan Betancourt | |
03/30/2015 | I love this website! Kaththleen D Parker | |
03/25/2015 | Love this site. Barbara Hauck | |
03/22/2015 | This appears to have been successful. I am very appreciative that you have answered so quickly and helped my access. I do love this website, and refer to it quite frequently. Many thanks for this service. S. Smith | |
02/24/2015 | I am really impressed with all the testimonials. I hope to use this as a business tool! Amy Dodson | |
01/23/2015 | Thank you so much for all the wonderful information!! This particular one helped me figure out how to help my husband and his PTSD. God bless you!! Kary Valencia | |
01/15/2015 | Hello and thank you for your wonderful site. I have used it many many times for myself and others. Its the best resource and I love sharing it. Fran Asaro | |
12/21/2014 | I have used your site many times and appreciate the vast amount of testimonials and insights. Paul Bauer | |
10/31/2014 | Thanks so much for taking your time to share this with us. Cleveland Mann | |
09/12/2014 | This is AWESOME!!! Thank you soooo much! Jennifer Sawchyn | |
09/09/2014 | Of all the member sponsored sites I believe Oil-Testimonials is the most effective tool we have. Christine Nielsen | |
09/06/2014 | I am composing a note to my down-line to encourage them to use your wonderful resource.... Thanks again for the wonderful service you provide. Christine Nielsen | |
09/06/2014 | Hello and thank you soo much for providing such an amazing place for people to come and learn and share about essential oils. Jennifer Sawchyn | |
08/10/2014 | Thanks for this awesome site! I am really enjoying it! Sydni Gauwitz | |
08/07/2014 | The site is so helpful! You can search on any key words (ailment, oil, etc.) and there are thousands upon thousands of testimonies. You only need an email address to register and that is so they can make sure you’re a real person. I have corresponded personally with the administrators. They are passionate hard working people putting all of these testimonials together for us! Thank you for the best site on YLEOs! Diane Carter | |
08/05/2014 | Thank you so much for all you do. I look forward to being able to give the link to others to share. Michelle Weil | |
07/25/2014 | THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR INFO! Bonita Mertes | |
07/23/2014 | So many of us DEPEND on this site for some of the most authentic information available. Diane Carter | |
07/23/2014 | Keep up the outstanding work. Christopher Chaney | |
07/22/2014 | I think you are all wonderful for what you do, and I applaud your contribution to spreading the word on essential oils for health. Thank you again for being there for so many people. Dawn Hankins | |
07/21/2014 | I’ve been a member with you for years and I have appreciated your gathering of this info over the years and making this available to all. Marilee Tolen | |
07/19/2014 | Hello OT! Your logo looks great on my blog site and works great. Thanks so much! Jude Ker | |
07/11/2014 | I love this website! Deborah Messick | |
05/13/2014 | Thank you so much for your help!!! I really appreciate the customer service! Carol Hough | |
05/09/2014 | I’m impressed with your quick reply and positive solution. Excellent public relations. Eileen Wegge | |
05/08/2014 | Thanks for your great service Anna-Maya Powell | |
04/23/2014 | Thanks for your fine work. I love the upgrades you add to the website! Deborah Barnes | |
04/01/2014 | Thank you so much for this reminder of my sponsor link! I had forgotten about it and I am indeed growing my business. This will be a wonderful tool for my downline. Keep up the great work! Jesse Hodgdon | |
03/24/2014 | Oh my gosh, I LOVE the new way to send the e-mails!!! Having to put in the e-mail address just one time is soooo much easier! Thank you for this improvment! Christy Andrews | |
03/05/2014 | I’ve just discovered your website and I love it! The graphics are awesome and the info is great! Thank you so much! Nancy Trabue O’Donnell | |
02/17/2014 | I love your site. I am a distributor and I use your site and promote it all the time!! :-) Angie Vaughters | |
02/09/2014 | I love this site! God has blessed us so dearly with it! Thank you for the neat way it works. Brynne Quenzer | |
02/05/2014 | Thank YOU very much! I want to be sure that my info is kept in the data base of the It is such a great resource ! Please let me know if there is anything I need to do to insure that I’m part of that database and will continue to receive emails. Annalia Russell | |
01/22/2014 | Your oil-testimonials site is sooo useful. Marjorie Davis | |
01/15/2014 | Thank you so much for your quick response, I received a thank you email from my prospect. Dena Corbin | |
11/21/2013 | I use this site quite a bit. Today someone called about a nursing dog who is not eating. This was the first place I looked. Thank you for your site. Lorraine Wittich | |
09/04/2013 | Having new testimonials emailed to me makes me forever grateful that my sponsor got me using this. And I so appreciate the fact that you keep track of my requests so that I get updates on testimonials for the issues that people ask me about. Marty Bigger | |
08/26/2013 | Your website has been very beneficial to me and my family over the years and I always refer my customers to search the contents when they approach me about a specific problem. *smile* Diana Hooper | |
07/18/2013 | Love this site and will upgrade as soon as I can. Thank You Namaste! Tanya Burak | |
06/11/2013 | Thank you so much for this website. I come here often and leave amazed, once again, as to what these healing oils are doing for people. Iva Rosene | |
05/28/2013 | Just wanted to send a quick note to say I love the new email format! Much easier to read! Thank you! Angie Vaughters | |
04/12/2013 | I absolutely love this site, thank you so much for such a helpful resource! Angie Vaughters | |
03/21/2013 | Thank you for your great site! Recently I had need for a quick fix for an injury to my hand. The "empty" deodorant cases are a great first aide kit. While the deodorant is an excellent salve because of the oils it contains. Terrific. Victoria Webster | |
02/21/2013 | Thanks for a great site. I just love reading people’s testimonials and what the oil’s have done for them. Beverley Ellison | |
12/31/2012 | Best place to share!! Bar none! Everyone benefits from this great site! Joanne Schwarm | |
12/28/2012 | A little feedback for you. This website is VERY VALUABLE to me! Dianne Hansen | |
12/13/2012 | WOW....excellent job. It is not only well written, but very clear/concise. I am beyond thrilled at your response time and consideration for my suggestion. What an honor! I look forward to seeing the Bio page. What a great tool it will be. Many blessings to all of you for a peaceful holiday. Tanya Aloisio Jordan | |
11/13/2012 | I just want to sincerely thank you for your site and for all that you do. I am so thankful to the Lord for learning about essential oils. Blessings to you! Ashley Mcgrath | |
09/23/2012 | I love the heart and soul of service in what you are doing, and to support that am considering the paid membership options on your site. Patricia Haggard | |
09/21/2012 | Very nice new webpage. I like it. Also everything is so efficient and easy to use now. Thanks for doing this. Cynthia Lee | |
09/17/2012 | I looked at your site again today and was majorly impressed with your new design. It’s a beautiful site. Great job. Charles Heineke | |
08/31/2012 | I love you site and recommend it often to people in my organization and to new people who want to learn about the oils. It’s been great to see it grow over the years and there is so much more room to grow. It’s a wonderful service and I want to support your efforts. Barbara Rozen | |
08/27/2012 | HEY - I really rely on this website and have used others’ suggestions many times. It is a real life-saver for me. THANK YOU! Jenifer Cammauf | |
08/24/2012 | It has been a few months since I’ve been on your site and WOW looks great! Just a note to say y’all are doing an awesome job! Dana Cammack | |
08/19/2012 | Hello friends. I did many searches this afternoon. Thank you for a FANTASTIC website full of knowledge and sharing. Donna Smith | |
08/15/2012 | I love your new website!! Very professional. Deborah Mathews | |
08/14/2012 | Wow, really nice new website. I’ve updated my membership. Thank you for providing your website to all of us. Patiey Tompkins | |
08/13/2012 | I LOVE the new site! Deborah Barnes | |
08/09/2012 | Thank you! Your site is awesome! Barb Bratvold | |
08/06/2012 | I had not logged into your website for approximately 2 weeks and I was pleasantly surprised by your recent makeover. I use this website at least once per month, sometimes more depending on what’s going on in my life. I also appreciate your new requirement for testimonials to be a minimum 100 words, because simply stating an oil works is not very helpful. Thanks for your hard work and dedication. You are a blessing!! Candace Power | |
08/06/2012 | Thank you for I find it inspiring and helpful. Jennifer Steward | |
08/02/2012 | I just wanted to say the new website looks wonderful and very refreshing! Good job! Karleen Mauldin | |
07/30/2012 | Great site! Looks so inviting and fun. Thanks for alerting me to sign in before my membership expired. Donna Stikeleather | |
07/29/2012 | Great job on the sight. Way improved!!! I’m impressed. James Niederland | |
07/28/2012 | I haven’t been on this website for a while and happened to get on today. Wow! I love, love, love the new look. It is much more pleasing to the eye as well as being more user friendly. I read a few testimonials and, as always, learned something new. Thank you for providing this information for all of us essential oil folks! Brenda Jackson | |
07/27/2012 | The new website look is beautiful! It keeps getting better and better and is a true aid in spreading the good news of how essential oils have worked in our lives. Edith Thurmond | |
07/27/2012 | I love your new site!!! love love love. Misty Bell | |
07/26/2012 | Just wanted to say I LOVE the new look! Great Job! Perhaps you all could persuade Corporate to do the same with their Virtual Office! Ayo Pat Hinds-Bankole | |
07/26/2012 | I LOVE the new look! Thank you so very much for providing us with this wonderful tool for our business! Dawn Vollmar | |
07/23/2012 | I just started oiling at the end of June, and really love this resource! Kristen Veenstra | |
07/19/2012 | I just want to say that this site was a life saver for me for years. Due to incorrect info given me, I thought it had shut down and was so disappointed. NEVER again will I go by just the comment of one person. I decided to check today after years of not posting or searching for answers and missed it so much. Today not only was I surprised but I was EXCITED that it is still active and comments are being made. This site is magnificient and helps in so many ways. So many topics on what others have found to work for specific issues. THANK God I tried it today, I will now be on it all the time again like I used to be. THANKS for keeping this site up and running. A former member, current member and LIFETIME member of this site!!!! Gail Bentz | |
07/14/2012 | BEAUTIFUL new site! Linda Lewis | |
07/02/2012 | I stopped by your table at the Hilton and told you I use your site everyday at work when I get bored with what I’m doing :-). I wanted to thank you again for your great information resource. It truly offers people interested in avoiding the traditional medical path as much as possible to find information from others that have similar problems they are experiencing. Thanks again! Kenneth Campbell | |
06/25/2012 | Very nice new web site! Sarah Vohs | |
06/18/2012 | I really like how the new version of the website looks...zing, and colors. Very sassy. Maje Baker | |
06/18/2012 | This web site is great! I have learned a lot, and also is great to read about so many testimonials from people like me, that have problems like any other person, and be able to say, - The oils help! Thank you for creating this website, it is fantastic! Lorena Villalobos | |
05/21/2012 | I’m happy to use the oil testimonials website for research, and to share my experiences. This is a great service. Thank you for creating it. Doris Haskell | |
03/03/2012 | Your website is FABULOUS! Do you know if this or other website like this is available in Spanish? Don Choiniere | |
03/03/2012 | I so love the email alerts based on my searches. This website is the bomb! First place I go now. Azure Campbell | |
01/31/2012 | I’ve already enjoyed reading many testimonials on your site. Thank you. It’s very well done (I’m a web developer). Sid Nash | |
12/23/2011 | First, let me say I love, love, love the website. However, I was wondering if there was a way to see the questions that are asked regarding the subject matter. Michele Rebal | |
11/25/2011 | One thing I won’t be able to do is take my computer to bed with me! There are so many wonderful testimonies - it is awesome! Many thanks for all the time and energy you have and keep putting into this website. I have only learnt about essential oils since July, so I am very new. But I am learning fast: this site will definitely speed my learning curve. Many Thanks! Here in New Zealand, essential oils have much to grow and my sleeves are being rolled up! Don Frommherz | |
11/24/2011 | Thank you for the match notification. I absolutely love your website. So informative!!! Sue Poole | |
10/11/2011 | I am so grateful for this site of oil testimonials! It is the easiest way to talk about the oils in your social network, or to make hand-outs, as well newsletters with. It is the best way I have found to get total strangers all around the country to become my customers without even talking to them personally. I wasted money on other sites that I thought I could send my friends and contacts to in hopes that they would join my organization, even the personal website offered by Corporate never helped me land not one customer in the one year I was signed up with them. In the little over 6 months that I’ve been a gold member, I’ve had 8 customers sign up. One even put in a $250 order. I recommend this site to everyone who is interested in building a successful essential oil business, especially if you own your own website because it will cut your time more than half as you create pages full of testimonies that are written by real people who use our these high quality products. Feel free to contact me for tips on sharing this website with others as an easy way to grow your business. Linda Cordero | |
09/27/2011 | This is a VERY helpful site. Even when I don’t read anything else in my inbox, I always read what you send. I thank you from the heart for providing this excellent service. Someone had a brilliant idea starting this site.... S. Smith | |
09/02/2011 | This is a wonderful website. It’s great to be able to look up on your mobile phone when you are away from home and need more information about a topic. A very easy way to get information quickly. Teresa Duke | |
06/15/2011 | I’ve been a member of oil-testimonials for many years but had not used it often because I have a huge collection of testimonials and advise collected from the yahoo groups over the years. When my downline members got together for a training call, one of them, Linda Cordero, told us how excited she is about the new testimonials site. She explained that by becoming a gold member, one can copy testimonials and use in emails, on Facebook, etc. and also have people link to the O-T website getting credit for sales through ones site. Winona Blake, who also had become a gold after Linda had told her about it, chimed in and was enthusiastic how sharing with others through the use of O-T, it will be so much easier and better. Linda and Winona explained how they use their site with great enthusiasm. Again, thanks for a great resource. Margarete De Gaston | |
06/13/2011 | Thank you so much for what you do and the information provided here! Most appreciated! Sophia Sharpe | |
05/26/2011 | This site is fantastic!! It’s what we need more of to re-build our holistic credibility that was forced underground thanks to "progress" and re-educate humankind. I just wanted to know where I may purchase these oils - I don’t quite remember how I learned about this site. Please refresh my you have a separate product website? Thanks! Maryann Paredes | |
05/17/2011 | I absolutely LOVE your site!! It is so very helpful!! Jane Hughey | |
05/08/2011 | Thank you for being so responsive! And thank you for this site! It is fabulous. I have always said the BEST "advertisement" for the oils is people’s own experiences. Their enthusiasm and excitement about the oils is very powerful. You can always read the practically anonymous testimonials but you never know when to believe them. That’s what I like about this site. These are real people, and you can actually contact them to get more information. Jan Early | |
04/27/2011 | The new changes made to the website look beautiful. You all are doing a great job and a great service. Many thanks! Edith Thurmond | |
04/23/2011 | No suggestions...just thank you for putting this together so well, it is deeply appreciated. I think the staff do such a terrific job on this web-site. It has proved to be a valuable tool in persuading others who are unfamiliar with oils and hesitate to listen to just ’one’ person. It is a backing we didn’t know we needed till we got it! It backs up what we have been telling so many for so long.........THANK YOU AGAIN! Wauneta Strobel | |
04/21/2011 | Thanks very much. I’m referring a friend to the site to read about Thieves and getting rid of mold. I so appreciate you keeping things lovely and tidy in the database for our wonderful oils! Miriam Papke | |
03/25/2011 | Thank you so much for sending me this wonderful match alert email! The systemic ramifications for this are way beyond warts and I’m so grateful to have received this information! Your Testimonials website has become so professional and wonderfully run: so helpful! You’re doing a really marvelous service! Nandini Weitzman | |
03/24/2011 | I love the new printer format. It’s more professional looking. Will there be an option to put my own website in the contact area instead of the Corporate website? The other thing that I like is the option to add notes to the printout. Again, thanks for the website...great idea...great job! Linda Ross | |
03/13/2011 | With my upgraded membership I can now copy and paste testimonials from your website!!!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Karen Rose | |
03/13/2011 | Thank you very much:)) This is an amazing website:) Thank you for creating it!!! Heather Lynch | |
02/18/2011 | Thank you for the testimonial that was just emailed to me. Your site is priceless! Brenda Haslam | |
01/19/2011 | I am loving essential oils more then ever! I want to thank you so much for offering this to us it is such a blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have many testimonials. In the near future I will put another in. Deena Wangler | |
01/05/2011 | Congratulations, you’ve done a fantastic job putting it together. I’m going to let everyone in my downline know and help get lots more Testimonials from Australia up for you. Really really appreciate the efforts and looking forward to seeing how we keep working with you. Please tell me about the gold accounts, as I’d like to pay you something for all your work and effort, as I really value what you have done. Lisa Blainey-Lewin | |
12/23/2010 | Since my initial email to you, I have signed in and searched at Oil-Testimonials. I couldn’t help it, your site is the most complete and usable site for when-I-need-it essential oil information from the researchers that count - the oil users. I appreciate the front page explanation, history and links, nice! My deepest and sincerest appreciation for considering my comments and for 1. Responding (holy cow! that was remarkable customer service and PR!) and 2. Using my reader feedback to make changes to your site (I repeat: "holy cow what great PR!) You are a gem and if you are not the owner of the site then I want to commend you to the owners for your customer care and service. Your site should definitely be reader and advertiser supported and, as an online health writer and educator, I will gladly do my part to direct readers and traffic to Further, I will consider a paid account as I incorporate these fine therapeutic-grade oils into my practice and will plan to also donate in support of your efforts on my behalf and I challenge other readers to do the same. Thank you again for your kindness and consideration in dealing with my comments. I continue to be a loyal reader and fan of Dr. Geri | |
12/14/2010 | I love your website and it’s an awesome way to introduce people to oils. Thank you again for all you do. Lena Wolfe | |
11/02/2010 | I just wanted to say "thank you" again for all you do. This website is such a great help to those who haven’t signed up because they are skeptical. It helps them to read from other skeptical people who learned first hand that essential oils really do heal. This site helps distributors who are assisting someone who needs relief. They can just search for creative ways others have used oils for the exact same situations. You are wonderful. I haven’t told you that in a while. Tiffany Rowan | |
10/24/2010 | I happened upon your website awhile back and have bookmarked it. Actually I THOUGHT that this was a Corporate owned website. They tell me NO, it is not. I appreciate ALL that you’ve put into this project...and have recommended this site to a LOT of people. Some practitioners are included. I even sent my own father here to read about Alzheimer’s. Thank you for making this site. It is one of the most valuable sites I’ve come across. Now, can you please do something about the price of the oils? LOL. Us financially poor people just cannot afford much. ;-) Take care and thank you VERY much. Donna Smith | |
10/17/2010 | I enthusiastically applaud you for all you are doing to spread the information on therapeutic-quality essential oils, and I have shared the info I have gained from you with others. I have such a wealth of essential oils scientific research and testimonials that come to me, which I cannot keep up with, that I have not had the time to add your site to my already overwhelming list of information to consider. Instead, I have recommended your site to others when the opportunity arises. The near future, however, is bringing some changes in my work life, and I am planning on having increased time to do more with teaching about essential oils. When that happens, I shall definitely consider you a valuable source of information. Until then, know that I do recommend you to others and am very grateful for what you do to help us all. Dawn Hankins | |
10/16/2010 | I use the website all the time although I haven’t posted anything recently. You are a wealth of information for my downline & they go to my page with great frequency. Thanks for the reminder to post new items. Beverly Batho | |
10/13/2010 | THANK YOU for setting this up. This is truly amazing! I just posted your link on Facebook to all of my friends!!!! Elizabeth Colvin | |
09/08/2010 | Thank you so much for this! What a great site/incredible support. I will definitely be referring and utilizing this site more and more. Debra Gehrke | |
09/02/2010 | Giving all registered distributors their own sponsor link is TOTALLY TERRIFIC!!!! Thanks for doing this! I love the site & am happy to have this avenue for business building. Carol VanPelt | |
05/06/2010 | Thanks OT team for doing this for all of us! Kathy Breen | |
04/13/2010 | I appreciate your site and have sent it to others. Thanks so much this is a wonderful tool! Gail Durfee | |
04/08/2010 | How cool is the sponsor link! Thank you for letting me know about this and more importantly, thank you for this wonderful website that is PRICELESS. I was jumping for joy when I found your site. It is amazing! Jodi Dianchrist | |
09/11/2009 | I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to get this website started. It is amazing and helps alot. I just became an essential oil distributor and felt kind of lost. But with all these testimonials it has given me more advice on which oils to use. I would like to thank you very very much! Katia Camino | |
02/20/2009 | Thank you, thank you. I had already gone through the testimonial page and sent it on to my daughter. The MRSA entries there were very helpful in ordering the oils I sent to her. WE are on the road to recovery. It is a great web page and I will follow the suggestions. Jean Krogstad | |
09/23/2008 | Recently, my husband and I put together a "Dr. Mom’s First Aid Kit" class, using the Everyday Oils kit. I searched an oil, like lavender, found a testimony that would be appropriate, printed it and attached it to "lavender" card stock. I did this with all the oils in the kit. Before the meeting got started, I had people to choose a card. After we sampled the lavender oil and learned what the oil was used for, the person with the lavender card read their testimony. Everyone participated and had a great time. This is by far the best class we have had. Using this website saved me so much time. Having the class members read what others have said about their experiences (not just mine), gave even more validity to the oils. Thank you so much for the oil-testimonial site. Marilyn Norfleet | |
05/25/2008 | Greetings! I recently found your site. It is fabulous! I’m amazed at all of the features that you have included in it. It’s very professional and comprehensive. Thank you so much. Carole Gates | |
01/05/2008 | You folks ROCK. Thank you so much for assembling this information in such a user-friendly manner and with such beauty. I look forward to putting it to use ever-so much. My business is growing and I love my life. All is truly well. Jesse Hodgdon | |
12/11/2007 | Hi, I just thought I would share with you how valuable the testimony site is. I have my little handy dandy blackberry cell phone on which I receive emails. When I have a situation, I pull up the last email that I received and literally within one minute, have access to what other oil users have done for that situation. I was eating dinner at Luby’s last night w/ my 81 yr old father who has a short attention span, and within a moment of his complaining about a health issue, I was reading to him about how oilers have remedied that very problem. This is almost better than the Essential Oils Desk Reference!!!!! When my son got bit by a dog, I reached first for my blackberry to find out what to do off of the Testimonials website! PRICELESS!!!! -Mia Fraser. Lia Fraser | |
11/10/2007 | Every time I visit, I’ve found it so very helpful. You have testimonials on almost every subject I’ve searched for. Thank you for all your work on your top-quality website. Bonnie McDermid | |
07/12/2006 | Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your website with me via EssentiallyOurs. As a user of the oils since 2000, I can tell you that this idea has been a LONG time coming and I am loving it! Thanks for all the hard work that must have gone on to make this happen. Thank you...Thank you...Thank you!!!!! Donica Earley | |
03/30/2006 | This is just a fabulous site! This is precisely the type of information that one wants - first hand experiences. Beverly Rohlehr | |
03/26/2006 | I do like the new options that are developing on the website. Funny, I had just logged in the evening before and saw the upgrades and thought how neat they were and got your email the next day! I really appreciate the work that is put into this site......GOOD JOB! Mary Jo Smithula | |
03/25/2006 | Thanks for the automated email letting me know of the new testimonial just posted, I will definitely try the Myrtle for sinuses. Blessings to you for having this’s a great help! Jeanne Costello | |
02/02/2006 | I just wanted to say thank you. I think it’s wonderful you have invested your time and efforts into to such a important resource. I will use it often and look forward to sharing it with all I talk to about health. Thank you for this business advice of generating leads with my sponsor link. Keep up the great work!!!! Alyssa Bailey | |
11/17/2005 | Thanks for letting me know about this latest testimonial match. I also would like to thank you for the service you are providing to all of us on the benefits of essential oils. Doris Lee | |
11/17/2005 | Thank you so much for sending this e-mail to remind me to post my oil testimonies. I have so many great experiences, I am happy to share them, but I don’t remember to post them to the website. I find this website so useful to me, I am happy to help make it useful for other as well. Thank you for creating such a great resource!!!! Lori Ann Borino | |
10/30/2005 | Just wanted to compliment you folks on the ease of using your site. I have suggested it’s use to everyone I happen to get interested in using our essential oils and it always help solidify the sale. I, myself, learn from it constantly and am truly grateful to have it as a "sounding" ground to go to when I’m stumped as to what oil might work for a particular problem. Thanks for all your hard work in setting/running this site. I know it’s appreciated by all who come here. Rebecca Swinehart | |
10/22/2005 | How fabulous that you send out these automated alerts when new testimonials are added that match what I searched on earlier. I’m impressed and grateful. I’m working with a client in London who has been suffering for over 15 years - mother of 3 and often in agony. I’m going to try what was suggested in the alert that just arrived. Thank you for your perspicacious assistance! Kara Harman | |
10/06/2005 | This is a remarkable website! I wish I knew more about computers and "how to". I think a person just starting in a business should be using all the avenues they can. Brent Gast | |
10/01/2005 | Just wanted to drop a note letting you know how much I have learned from your site and how much I appreciate all you do for this forum. Marybeth Ingalls | |
09/21/2005 | Thank you so much for this wonderful web site, which is not only user friendly but extremely well thought out and this shows in it’s design capabilities. It is so necessary for everyone to be able to see how the oils can be used. Your generous efforts will benefit many thousands of people all over the world. Jennifer Hansen | |
08/11/2005 | I am so excited about this website and am 100% satisfied with it! Angel Brock | |
08/09/2005 | Thanx! I already found an answer to something I was searching for! I’m smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiling!!! :-) Marilyn Kinman | |
08/06/2005 | Just registered for the site, I have a great testimony to share, which I will do, after confirmation. I love the idea that we can send people to the site also, I think it is a great resource that will allow us, (as a essential Oil community) to share globally with each other, rather than small click like pockets of people! Hats off to you, what a Lovely and Brilliant Idea. I encourage you to know how great your idea is and what a awesome contribution you are making to world health and business marketing for Oils. Thank you for being a Magnificent Inspiration. May God Bless you in the Overflow! (100 times the seeds you planted) Thanks A Million. Zara Rose Wilson | |
07/24/2005 | Thanks, this website is a great idea. When it’s about community and connecting with people who have similar circumstances or problems and/or solution, this creates bonds that make this business a real joy. Beverly Lawrence | |
07/15/2005 | I just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to meet and chat with you today at the convention. This is a truly wonderful website and you are to be commended for all the hard work and hours invested. I just know that your site will help me and others searching for answers about health, oils and healing. Harvey Martin | |
06/25/2005 | First, I want to thank you for such a great service you are doing with the oils testimonials! I feel it is a resource I have barely begun to tap, for my downline as well as myself even using the oils for 8 years or so now. Ysha Oakes | |
05/21/2005 | Glad I found your website. I will share it with my downline. It is terrific that you took the time to compile such a professional and well needed website offering this information. Lindy Franciose | |
04/11/2005 | To the people that started this web site, I just want to say thanks for creating such a terrific website!! I just found it today, from reading Cherie Ross’s newsletter. I don’t have any idea who is behind getting this newsy web site put together, but it is a very caring and generous thing to do this way!! Thanks for your time, and for caring to share the info to help other distributors!! Jackie Berggren | |
04/04/2005 | Thank you so much for the past few testimonials you’ve sent me. There great! Joanne Matthews | |
03/25/2005 | I have to thank you for the wonderful web site: I really appreciate all the time and effort that went into the creating of this site and the continued effort you give to keep it running. I reference people to it constantly. Thank you so much for your service! Laina & Allen Lloyd | |
02/08/2005 | This is an awesome service and I’m so glad I found you! I will definitely use my referral address on my marketing stuff and I thank you for the opportunity. Testimonials are the best soft data and are so non-threatening. I look forward to using your database more in the future. By the way - I am an animal communicator and use the oils extensively in my business. I notice that you have some testimonials on animals and will be promoting this use of your database among my clients. Mary Stoffel | |
01/02/2005 | But what I’d really like to say is, "Yahoooo" and "Yipppppppeeeee" for making this testimonial website available. It is a fantastic way to share this information about essential oils. Evelyn Grady | |
12/04/2004 | Wow! Your program is sensational. It tells you all the details. Great! I enjoy your site so much and the multiple ways people use one oil is amazing. Obviously the word is getting around as there are always updates in my inbox. Thanks for coming up with such a thoughtful site. It is greatly appreciated. Mir-Yam Shifra | |
11/11/2004 | This is a marvelous service! Thank you ever so much! I sure don’t know how you do it. I’m very delighted with this heart testimonial to your website emailed to me... my brother-in-law with heart problem will be here this weekend..the timing is fortuitous! Thanks again for the update. Bless you. Lily Whitfield | |
11/11/2004 | I love the idea of this wonderful web site! The Testimonials I think are very important. It tells how real people have used the oils, and how they have impacted their lives. The Essential Oils Desk Reference is great, I would not want to be without it, but it is very nice to hear from real people who use the oils. I will soon be adding a couple a testimonies to the site about how the oils helped me. Thank you for your help! Paula Handley | |
08/11/2004 | I think this website is really wonderful. We all really need this. It serves a great purpose for those of us who live by these oils as well as to introduce them to others. It’ll be great when we can list all our credentials/modalities. Please notify us when that happens. Annette Queyquep | |
06/14/2004 | The website is wonderful, somehow I waited for something like that and I never expected it so wonderful and complete. Dr. Hauser | |
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