lavender fields for essential oils

Doctors Found A Mass In Husband's Left Lung

Author: Debbie S.
Date: 10-17-2007
Views: 28,538
Word Count: 1,076
Questions Received: 21
Testimonial ID: 2485-OR
Brand Neutral: Yes
Scientific Studies: 2

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

I wanted to post my testimony in it's original form since it has been 8 years since all this happened. We have been using oils ever since, but this was a miracle and everyone needs to hear about it. There are a total of 3 original emails that I am posting below. The Lord has been so good to us and we would like to give back some of what we have received.

As a side note, we have copies of all the radiologist reports and copies of x-rays. We didn't just imagine all this.

Thanks to all

1st letter

I have been putting off posting about my husband but we are quickly coming to our mental deadline and so I want to be sure I am doing everything correctly.

First, a little history. Feb 4th my husband was told they found a mass in his left lung. He has had extensive testing done including cat-scan and biopsy and still we are not sure what it is. The biopsy just came back with blood and no cancer cells and we were sure it was an answer to prayer (the mass was 3 cm). Trouble is, there is a very little thing very close to it that has a very different appearance and it is too little to biopsy. Surgeon wants to take it out by taking pie shaped incision of lung out, some lymph nodes and test immediately and possibly remove bottom left node of lung. The lung specialist says wait awhile. They say assume its cancer till proven different.

So, we decided to wait till June 3 and have another cat-scan and see if it is growing. About 1 month ago, I stumbled upon the oils and decided to make a valiant effort to get rid of this thing. We didn't tell any of you at first, but recently have told our sponsors. I didn't want pressure from anyone. So, here's what we are doing. Would appreciate any comments about what else to do or not to do.

He started Doctor Friedman's program (for about 10 days) and we rubbed his back (over the lung mass) with Frankincense and Lavender and Immune Power on his spine twice a day. About 10 days into it, he resolved himself to start the rectal implants described on page 237 in the essential oils reference book. Today we are starting the liver and parasite cleanse. All this time we have continued with the backrubs of oils.

So, there you have it.

Now, I am down to about 2 weeks and starting to get nervous, so would appreciate any comments about what I am doing right or wrong.

2nd letter

I would like to start this with a note of praise. When my husband and I found the essential oils, we felt like the Lord had directed us this way. We said at the start, that no matter what happened, we would give the Lord praise because we felt his hand leading and guiding us.

I wrote earlier and just gave facts as to how we were treating the tumor and failed to tell you how very important prayer had been in that treatment. Today I just want to thank God so much. Clint's tumor is gone! He had his cat-scan today and there is just a little residual matter left. We can't thank God enough.

I want to thank all of you for your help. Even though you didn't know about it for a long time, I read this oil email diligently and adjusted his treatment accordingly. We are going to continue on with the treatment a little longer because the doctor reading the cat-scan this time was not aware of Clint's medical history and said the residual matter would probably stay. He didn't know Clint had a biopsy and he said it was probably just a viral infection and also said cancer would not go away like that unless we were using chemo.

We told him we were using essential oils and he said he wouldn't give that a grain of salt. But we know what was there and we know what God and the oils have achieved. So, we are giving his x-rays to another doctor to look at, that we know and will have him go over them thoroughly. We will continue with the rectal treatment a little longer. He is going to start a liver cleanse this week and did a parasite cleanse last week.

We both saw the cat scan today (the before and after pictures) and there is a definite change for the good. We are ever so thankful.

3rd letter

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you all another update on Clint's neoplasm. One month ago (or there about), I wrote and told you all how the spot on his lung has shrunk up to almost nothing. Well, about 1 week later, we got a call from the lung specialist insisting that he go back in for yet another cat scan.

He told us it was urgent and led us to think that maybe there was something new they hadn't told us. So we went Saturday and much to our delight, it was even smaller than before. The radiologist had seen us before and he was quite talkative.

He asked my husband why we were there and couldn't figure it out. Said the spot was so small that they had to be very careful about where to do the cat scan just to pick it up. He believes what is left will always be there but said for our piece of mind to have another chest x-ray in about a year. Told us we wouldn't even have to do a cat scan if we didn't want to.

We are so happy about this. The oils have been a miracle sent from God. We believe the lung specialist must have been so surprised that he thought they missed it somehow. We both are highly recommending this to everyone.

Using the oils has been the best decision of our lives. Back in March the surgeon wanted to remove part of Clint's lung. How thankful we are that we didn't allow that.

Thanks so much to all of you that have prayed and supported us.

October 17, 2007

As an update, my husband had an x-ray for life insurance this year (because they saw his history) and there was nothing there!! He actually was approved for the insurance and they had gone over him with a fine tooth comb. I can't speak enough about the oils!!

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: breathe, breathing, cleansing, detox, growth, lungs, malignant, mutation, neoplasia, tissue.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: lung-cancer,tumor-/-growth-/-neuroma — Frankincense and myrrh showed anticancer effects.Link
2.Associated topics: detox-/-cleanse — "In nine studies, Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) has shown effectiveness for arteriosclerosis, autism, Bells palsy, chemotherapy-induced toxicity, degenerative disc disease, detox, muscle wasting, muscular dystrophy, neuroblastoma, neuroprotection, oxidative stress, and spinal stenosis."Link

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