lavender fields for essential oils

Faster Recovery From Dental Implant

Author: Faith M.
Skill: Massage Therapist
Date: 05-13-2008
Views: 8,986
Word Count: 454
Questions Received: 1
Testimonial ID: 2854-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 3

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

Since I had a dental implant back in 2000 before I knew about Young Living Oils I wanted to know how much better the experience could be this time WITH the oils.

The morning of my oral surgery, I massaged the Thieves oil blend into the soles of my feet, brushed with my Thieves toothpaste and added 2 or 3 drops of Lemon to my toothbrush.

When I arrived in the office, I inhaled the Peace & Calming oil blend several times and right before they gave me the local shot. I had refused an IV and laughing gas because I did not want the after effects of either.

I put 2 or 3 drops in the palm of my hand, inhaled deeply and prepared my mind. I was aware of the surgery but from a "detached" place. Afterwards, the surgeon and staff said I had held remarkably still and had done great. I did some energy work on myself and I drove myself home.

I then put the "ice pack in a turban" they provided around my jaw area, rubbed 3 or 4 drops of Peppermint along my jaw and took a 2 hour nap. I was allowing the body to adjust to the trauma it had just experienced and to start the recovery process.

When I awoke, I changed out my gauze pads and put 3 drops of Clove oil on a new pad and put it over the incision. I continued changing out the ice packs and rubbing Peppermint on the jaw area.

As the numbness from the "local" shot wore off, I continued my protocol. I never really experienced pain. My tongue was sore from the instruments as they worked in my mouth, and when I swallowed. I drank water with 2-3 drops of Lemon in it for the antiseptic effect.

As I went to bed, I again rubbed Peppermint on my jaw area, put on the ice pack and went to sleep. I slept all through the night and this morning I am still pain free. I have very little swelling and no bruising.

I believe in my oils and brag on what they will do all the time but I am still amazed at their power when I have results like these! Another miracle from God. This experience is life altering.

I hope it has opened the mind of my surgeon and her staff. So many others could benefit. It would take a lot of the fear away from having this procedure done. By the way, I would have used the Valor oil blend also but I had let my sister borrow it so had none.

Thank you Gary Young, for your commitment to provide us with our own pure natural remedies made by plants and the creator.

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: dentist, teeth, tooth.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: swelling-/-swollen-/-puffy — "[W]e studied the anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective effects of C. citratus [Lemongrass] and E. citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus] essential oils on formol-induced edema and acetic acid induced abdominal cramps in Wistar rats.... In vivo analysis and histological assay showed that the two essential oils displayed significant dose-dependent edema [swelling] inhibition effect over time. They displayed strong analgesic [pain-relieving] and antipyretic [fever-reducing] properties similar to that induced by 50 mg/kg of acetylsalicylate of lysine.... This work demonstrates the anti-inflammatory property of Cymbopogon citratus [Lemongrass] and Eucalyptus citriodora [Lemon Eucalyptus], suggesting their potential role as adjuvant therapeutic alternatives in dealing with inflammatory-related diseases."Link
2.Associated topics: dental — Study 1: "[Oil pulling] would benefit the general population by giving more confidence in the ancient practices, thus preventing tooth decay and loss." Study 2: "Oil pulling therapy has been equally effective like chlorhexidine on halitosis and organisms, associated with halitosis." Study 3: "The oil pulling therapy showed a reduction in the plaque index, modified gingival scores, and total colony count of aerobic microorganisms in the plaque of adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis." Study 4: "Oil pulling can be used as an effective preventive adjunct in maintaining and improving oral health." Study 5: "The myth that the effect of oil-pulling therapy on oral health was just a placebo effect has been broken, and there are clear indications of possible saponification and emulsification process, which enhances its mechanical cleaning action."Link
3.Associated topics: dental,jaw-pain — "Both clove and benzocaine gels had significantly lower mean pain scores than placebos. No significant difference was observed between clove and benzocaine regarding pain scores. Clove gel might possess a potential to replace benzocaine as a topical [anesthetic] agent before needle insertion."Link

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