lavender fields for essential oils

Scoliosis Causes Curvature Of The Lower Spine

Author: Nique B.
Skill: Raindrop Technique
Date: 10-25-2009
Views: 5,750
Word Count: 271
Questions Received: 2
Testimonial ID: 3869-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 7

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

I started using Young Living essential oils less than a year ago and was a bit skeptical, but I trusted my friend when she said they would work. I have curvature of the lower spine and have had it since I was a preteen.

I'm now near 50. I've always had a hard time sitting for long periods of time. Even regular household chores were a chore in themselves, as they took me longer to do because I had to stop and stretch my back muscles.

I'm not able to bend for long periods of time. I was washing my bathroom floor and had to get up 2-3 times to stretch the soreness out of my back before I started using the oils.

I faithfully used my essential oils about every other day for a few months until one day when I was cleaning my bathroom, bending over scrubbing the floor. I realized I had not stopped to stretch my back - which normally I did several times to take a break. I had not realized how well I was doing.

Then just a week ago some friends of mine had noticed how much more mobile I was, and that was actually sitting at a gathering we had, instead of standing - a miracle in itself!

This product has done wonders for me. I am able to do things I couldn't do before. I now only do my oils 1-2 days a week. Trust me this product works!

I used Wintergreen and Peppermint together and have used them for several other uses also. Both are very versatile oils that I have in supply in my home.

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: back ache, back aches, back pain, backache, backaches, muscle, rigid, rigidity, spasticity, spinal, stiff, stiffness, tight, tightness.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: spine,muscle-pain,back-pain,mobility — "We examined the evidence regarding the effect of herbal medicine on pain in people with non-specific low-back pain (LBP).... Lavender essential oil applied by acupressure appeared effective in reducing pain and improving flexibility compared to conventional treatment."Link
2.Associated topics: muscle-spasm-/-twitch — "Peppermint oil is harmless and acts locally to inhibit GI [gastrointestinal] smooth muscle contraction.... Peppermint oil solution administered intraluminally can be used as an antispasmodic agent with superior efficacy and fewer side effects than hyoscine-N-butylbromide...."Link
3.Associated topics: muscle-spasm-/-twitch — "Lavender essential oil has been used as an anxiolytic [anxiety] drug, a mood stabilizer, a sedative, spasmolytic [muscle spasms], antihypertensive [high blood pressure], antimicrobial, analgesic [pain] agent as well as a wound healing accelerator.... The present study suggests that inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches."Link
4.Associated topics: muscle-spasm-/-twitch — "Anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic [muscle spasms], antimicrobial, antioxidant, carminative [flatulence] and immunomodulatory properties of caraway suggest that it might exert beneficial effects on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).... CHE and CEO [caraway essential oil] at all doses tested were effective in reducing colon tissue lesions and colitis indices and the efficacy was nearly the same when different doses of plant fractions were administered p.o. or i.p..... These data suggest that caraway fractions are both effective and possess anti-colitic activity irrespective of the dose and route of administration."Link
5.Associated topics: muscle-spasm-/-twitch,muscle-pain,muscles — "[T]he effect of essential oils on skeletal and smooth muscle...: The first type of effect on skeletal muscle involved a contracture and inhibition of the twitch response to nerve stimulation shown by a sample of clary sage, dill, fennel, frankincense, and nutmeg; ...lavender reduced the twitch response alone."Link
6.Associated topics: muscle-pain,muscles — "Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint and muscle pain. One study evaluating treatments for children with eczema found [that] it was therapeutic touch from the mother that improved symptoms; in other words, massage with and without essential oils (including lavender) both reduced the dry, scaly skin lesions. Another study found that lavender oil may improve pain control after surgery."Link
7.Associated topics: muscles — "In nine studies, Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) has shown effectiveness for arteriosclerosis, autism, Bells palsy, chemotherapy-induced toxicity, degenerative disc disease, detox, muscle wasting, muscular dystrophy, neuroblastoma, neuroprotection, oxidative stress, and spinal stenosis."Link

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