lavender fields for essential oils

Fibrocystic Breast Disease And Hormone Balancing

Author: Dolores L.
Date: 05-18-2010
Views: 13,468
Word Count: 170
Questions Received: 13
Testimonial ID: 4332-OR
Brand Neutral: No
Scientific Studies: 8

Note: Not all essential oil brands are the same, and you get what you pay for. If you expect to achieve results similar to those described in this testimonial, then ensure that you are using oils from pesticide-free plants. Also, the brand should use 100% pure, high-quality essential oils that do not contain any synthetic additives. Do your own research or ask a trusted friend to find a brand that is reputable. Buyer beware.

I had several very large, painful cysts in my breasts and told there was nothing I could do about them except keep an eye on them with yearly mammograms!

Several years ago, after hearing Gary Young talk about hormone balancing in Shipshawana, IN, I started a monthly regimen of hormone balancing. I use Young Living Progressence Plus Serum every day for 3 weeks, then off 1 week. I also take a capsule of the SclarEssence essential oil every day following the same schedule...3 weeks on, 1 week off.

Much to my surprise, the lumps in my breast are totally gone! I wasn't even trying to rid myself of these!

In addition, I was not menopausal at the time I started this hormone balancing, but have since sailed right through menopause without one single side effect! I love bragging to other women my age that I have NEVER had a hot flash and I have no idea what they are experiencing!

Young Living oils are powerful and assist with all kinds of health issues.

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Additional keyword(s) assigned by the editor: cycle, estrogen dominance, female, hormones, lump, menses, menstrual, menstruation, period.

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Supporting Scientific Studies
1.Associated topics: menstruation-/-period,perimenopause-/-menopause — "The present study indicated that lavender aromatherapy as a potential therapeutic modality could alleviate premenstrual emotional symptoms, which, at least in part, is attributable to the improvement of parasympathetic nervous system activity. This study further implies that HRV could evaluate the efficacy of aromatherapy using various fragrances to relieve premenstrual symptoms, and ultimately, support the mind and body health of women."Link
2.Associated topics: hormones — "Therapy with beta-caryophyllene [present in many essential oils] may present a promising novel, non-toxic therapeutic option for patients with endometriosis."Link
3.Associated topics: hormones — "After inhalation of clary sage oil, cortisol levels were significantly decreased.... Thyroid stimulating hormone was also reduced.... Clary sage oil has antidepressant-like effect...."Link
4.Associated topics: menstruation-/-period — "Peppermint oil is harmless and acts locally to inhibit GI [gastrointestinal] smooth muscle contraction.... Peppermint oil solution administered intraluminally can be used as an antispasmodic agent with superior efficacy and fewer side effects than hyoscine-N-butylbromide...."Link
5.Associated topics: hormones — "DHEA [a component of PD 80/20], an androstene hormone [precursor to estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisone, and other hormones], has been shown to possess a wide range of beneficial biological effects mainly attributed to immune system modulation.... thus leading to beneficial effects in diverse human diseases including resistance to infection, neuroprotection, wound healing, diabetes, hepatic injury, cardiovascular disease, and cancer."Link
6.Associated topics: hormones — "Most studies, as well as clinically applied experience, have indicated that various essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine), thereby further regulating mood."Link
7.Associated topics: hormones — "Results of bone density, bone mineral content, bone tensile strength and histological analysis also showed similar trend of results, which supported initial observations of this study. It is proposed that hydroalcoholic extract of dried clove buds has bone-preserving efficacy against hypogonadal [hormonally deficient] osteoporosis."Link
8.Associated topics: menstruation-/-period — "[T]he level and duration of menstrual pain and the amount of menstrual bleeding were significantly lower in the aromatherapy group than in the placebo group. These results suggest that aromatherapy is effective in alleviating menstrual pain, its duration, and excessive menstrual bleeding. Aromatherapy can be provided as a nonpharmacological pain relief measure and as a part of nursing care given to girls suffering of dysmenorrhea or excessive menstrual bleeding."Link

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